En esta sección figuran las publicaciones más destacadas que abordan algún aspecto referente a la clínica, investigación, discapacidad o incapacidad de la Sensibilidad Química Múltiple (SQM). Esta recopilación ha sido seleccionada por el equipo de expertos que forman parte del Comité Científico de CONFESQ.
AÑO 2023
- Documento para solicitar el reconocimiento de la SQM en la OMS. (2023). Fundación Alborada, CONFESQ.
- Jiménez Fernández F, Jiménez Martín PI. Sensibilidad química múltiple en una niña de 8 años. Seguimiento durante 6 años . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25 [en prensa].
- Hempel S, Danz M, Robinson KA, Bolshakova M, Rodriguez J, Mears A, Pham C, Yagyu S, Motala A, Tolentino D, Akbari O, Johnston J. 2023. Multiple chemical sensitivity scoping review protocol: overview of research and MCS construct.
AÑO 2022
- Suzuki K, Okamura M, Haruyama Y, Suzuki S, Shiina T, Kobashi G, Hirata K. 2022. Exploring the contributing factors to multiple chemical sensitivity in patients with migraine.
AÑO 2021
- A, Pokorski. M, Di Giulio. C; “Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath as a marker of hypoxia in multiple chemical sensitivity”. Physiol Rep 2021 Sep;9(18):e15034.
- Damian, M. Alessandrini, D. Caccamo, A. Cormano, G. Guzzi, A.Mazzatenta, A. Micarelli, A. Migliore, A.Piroli, M. Bianca, O. Tapparo and P. Pigatto. “Italian Expert Consensus on Clinical and Therapeutic anagement of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Oct 27;18(21):11294.
AÑO 2020
- Greco F. (2020). «Technical Assessment of Ultrasonic Cerebral Tomosphygmography and New Scientific Evaluation of Its Clinical Interest for the Diagnosis of Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity». Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 10(6), 427.
AÑO 2019
- Steinemann, A. (2019). «Chemical sensitivity, asthma, and effects from fragranced consumer products: national population study in Sweden». Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp 129–136.
- Steinemann, A. (2019). «Chemical sensitivity, asthma, and effects from fragranced consumer products: National Population Study in the United Kingdom». Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2019, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp 371–377.
- Stojsavljević, A., Rovčanin, B., Krstić, Đ., Borković-Mitić, S., Paunović, I., Kodranov, I., Gavrović-Jankulović, M., & Manojlović, D. (2019). «Evaluation of trace metals in thyroid tissues: Comparative analysis with benign and malignant thyroid diseases». Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 183, 109479.
- Alameda Cuesta, A., Pazos Garciandia, A., Losa Iglesias, M.E. (2019). Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Illness Experiences.
AÑO 2018
- Aguilar-Aguilar, E., Marcos-Pasero, H., de la Iglesia, R., Espinosa-Salinas, I., Ramírez de Molina, A., Reglero, G., & Loria-Kohen, V. (2018). «Characteristics and determinants of dietary intake and physical activity in a group of patients with multiple chemical sensitivity. Características y condicionantes de la ingesta dietética y actividad física en un grupo de pacientes diagnosticados de sensibilidad química múltiple».Endocrinología, diabetes y nutrición, 65(10), 564–570.
- Gerencia Asistencial de Atención Hospitalaria, Consejería de Sanidad Comunidad de Madrid. (2018). «Protocolo de Sensibilidad Química Múltiple en las Unidades de Urgencias Hospitalaria». Dirección General de Coordinación de la Asistencia Sanitaria. Consejería de Sanidad. Comunidad de Madrid.
- Hojo, S., Mizukoshi, A., Azuma, K., Okumura, J., Ishikawa, S., Miyata, M., Mizuki, M., Ogura, H., & Sakabe, K. (2018). «Survey on changes in subjective symptoms, onset/trigger factors, allergic diseases, and chemical exposures in the past decade of Japanese patients with multiple chemical sensitivity».International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 221(8), 1085–1096.
- Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo – INSST, O.A., M.P. (2018). «Enciclopedia práctica de Medicina del Trabajo». Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social.
- Rea, W.J.” A Large Case-series of Successful Treatment of Patients Exposed to Mold and Mycotoxin”. Ther. 2018, 40, 889–893.
- Steinemann A. (2018). «Prevalence and effects of multiple chemical sensitivities in Australia». Preventive medicine reports, 10, 191–194.
- Steinemann, A. (2018). «National Prevalence and Effects of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities». Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: March 2018 – Volume 60 – Issue 3 – p e152–e156.
AÑO 2017
- Meggs,W.J. “The Role of Neurogenic Inflammation in Chemical Sensitivity”. Ecopsychology 2017, 9, 83–89.
AÑO 2016
- Manuela Lacida Baro, Benita Ardoz Flamarique, Maximiliano Bolivar Ruano, María José Gómez-Plana Usero, Manuela Márquea Ferrando, Manuel Martínez Mora, Teresa Reyes Malia. (2016). «Protocolo de Mejora de Atención a las personas con Sensibilidad Química Múltiple». Editora/maquetadora: Lidia McHugh S.A.C. Distrito A.P. Bahía de Cádia – La Janda. Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Consejería de Salud.
AÑO 2015
- Belpomme, D., Campagnac, C., & Irigaray, P. (2015). «Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder». Reviews on environmental health, 30(4), 251–271.
- De Luca, C., Gugliandolo, A., Calabrò, C., Currò, M., Ientile, R., Raskovic, D., Korkina, L., & Caccamo, D. (2015). «Role of polymorphisms of inducible nitric oxide synthase and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in idiopathic environmental intolerances». Mediators of inflammation, 2015, 245308.
- French National Assembly (2015). «LAW PROJECT orientation and programming for the refoundation of the school of the Republic». French Parliamentary documents, January 29 2015.
- International Scientific. (2015). «2015, Brussels International Scientific Declaration
on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity». International Scientific Declaration on EHS & MCS Brussels 2015. - Sage C. (2015). «The implications of non-linear biological oscillations on human electrophysiology for electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)». Reviews on environmental health, 30(4), 293–303.
- Valderrama Rodríguez M, Revilla López MC, Blas Diez MP, Vázquez Fernández del Pozo S, Martín Sánchez JI. (2015). «Actualización de la Evidencia Científica sobre Sensibilidad Química Múltiple (SQM)». Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud; 2015. Informes de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias. IACS.
- World Health Organization. (2015). «International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10)-2015». WHO Version for 2015 (ICD-10).
- Miller CS, Prihoda TJ. 1999-2015. The Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (EESI): a standardized approach for measuring chemical intolerances for research and clinical applications.
AÑO 2014
- I. Alobid; S. Nogué ·A. Izquierdo‑Dominguez; S. Centellas; M. Bernal‑Sprekelsen ; J. Mullol. “Multiple chemical sensitivity worsens quality of life and cognitive and sensorial features of sense of smell”. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2014) 271:3203–3208.
AÑO 2013
- Caccamo, D., Cesareo, E., Mariani, S., Raskovic, D., Ientile, R., Currò, M., Korkina, L., & De Luca, C. (2013). «Xenobiotic sensor- and metabolism-related gene variants in environmental sensitivity-related illnesses: a survey on the Italian population». Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2013, 831969.
- Cui, X., Lu, X., Hiura, M., Oda, M., Miyazaki, W., & Katoh, T. (2013). «Evaluation of genetic polymorphisms in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity». PloS one, 8(8), e73708.
- French National Assembly (2013). «LAW PROJECT orientation and programming for the refoundation of the school of the Republic». French Parliamentary documents, March 2013.
- Genuis S. J. (2013). «Chemical sensitivity: pathophysiology or pathopsychology?». Clinical therapeutics, 35(5), 572–577.
- Martini, A., Iavicoli, S., & Corso, L. (2013). “Multiple chemical sensitivity and the workplace: current position and need for an occupational health surveillance protocol”.Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2013, 351457.
- Mena, G., Sequera, V. G., Nogué-Xarau, S., Ríos, J., Bertran, M. J., & Trilla, A. (2013). “Traducción y adaptación transcultural del cuestionario Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory a la población española [Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory for use in the Spanish population]”.Medicina clinica, 140(7), 302–304.
- Pigatto, P. D., Minoia, C., Ronchi, A., Brambilla, L., Ferrucci, S. M., Spadari, F., Passoni, M., Somalvico, F., Bombeccari, G. P., & Guzzi, G. (2013). «Allergological and toxicological aspects in a multiple chemical sensitivity cohort». Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2013, 356235.
- Valacchi, G., Caccamo, D., Pelle, E., & De Luca, C. (2013). «Innovative approaches in environmental medicine: redox/detoxification biomarkers in environmental intolerances». Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2013, 691624.
AÑO 2012
- Austrian Medical Association’s EMF Working Group. (2012). «Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for the diagnosis and treatment of EMFrelated health problems and illnesses (EMF syndrome)«. Consensus paper of the Austrian Medical Association’s EMF Working Group – Traducción a español: Servicio de Información sobre Sensibilidad Química Múltiple y Salud Ambiental – antes «Mi Estrella de Mar».
- D. A. Katerndahl, I. R. Bell, R. F. Palmer, and C. S. Miller, “Chemical intolerance in primary care settings: prevalence, comorbidity, and outcomes,” The Annals of Family Medicine, vol. 10, pp. 357–365, 2012.
- Von Baehr V. (2012). «Rational Laboratory Diagnostics in Chronic. «Rationelle Labordiagnostik bei chronisch entzündlichen Systemerkrankungen». Umwelt medizin gesellschaft 2012; 25(4): 244–7.
AÑO 2011
- De Luca, C., Raskovic, D., Pacifico, V., Thai, J. C., & Korkina, L. (2011). «The search for reliable biomarkers of disease in multiple chemical sensitivity and other environmental intolerances». International journal of environmental research and public health, 8(7), 2770–2797.
- Donnay, A. and G. Ziem. 2011. “Prevalence and overlap of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrome among 100 new patients with multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome.” J Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 5:71-80.
- Hooper Malcom. (2011). «Psychiatry an Evidence Based Text. Basant K Puri and Ian Treasaden». Chapter 50: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
- Marshall, L; Bested, A; Molot J; Kerr, K; Bray, R. (2011). «Environmental Sensitivities-Multiple Chemical Sensitivities-Status Report. Advances in Knowledga, and current service gaps». Environmental Health Clinic. Women’s College Hospital, Toronto. Updated February 17, June 2, 2011.
- Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. (2011). «Documento de Consenso SQM». Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad.
AÑO 2010
- De Luca, C., Scordo, G., Cesareo, E., Raskovic, D., Genovesi, G., & Korkina, L. (2010). «Idiopathic environmental intolerances (IEI): from molecular epidemiology to molecular medicine». Indian journal of experimental biology, 48(7), 625–635.
- De Luca, C., Scordo, M. G., Cesareo, E., Pastore, S., Mariani, S., Maiani, G., Stancato, A., Loreti, B., Valacchi, G., Lubrano, C., Raskovic, D., De Padova, L., Genovesi, G., & Korkina, L. G. (2010). «Biological definition of multiple chemical sensitivity from redox state and cytokine profiling and not from polymorphisms of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes». Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 248(3), 285–292.
- Gilbert, S. G., Miller, E., Martin, J., & Abulafia, L. (2010). «Scientific and policy statements on environmental agents associated with neurodevelopmental disorders». Journal of intellectual & developmental disability, 35(2), 121–128.
- Lavergne, M. R., Cole, D. C., Kerr, K., & Marshall, L. M. (2010). «Functional impairment in chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivity». Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 56(2), e57–e65.
AÑO 2009
- Estrada MD. (2009). «Hipersensibilidad química múltiple: estado de conocimiento de la etiología y el tratamiento». Agència d’Avaluació de Tecnologia i Recerca Mèdiques. Servei Català de la Salut. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya; 2009.
- Johansson, Olle. (2009). “The London resolution, 2007”. Pathophysiology 16 (2009) 247–248.
- Martin L. Pall PhD. (2009). “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Toxicological Questions and Mechanisms: General and applied Toxicology. VI Volum, Chapter 92”. General, Applied and Systems Toxicology. Environmental and Ecotoxicology. Bryan Ballantyne (Editor), Timothy C. Marrs (Editor), Tore Syversen (Editor).
- Orriols, R., Costa, R., Cuberas, G., Jacas, C., Castell, J., & Sunyer, J. (2009). «Brain dysfunction in multiple chemical sensitivity». Journal of the neurological sciences, 287(1-2), 72–78.
- Pall M. (2009). «General and applied Toxicology. Volum VI». Chapter 92: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Toxicological Questions and Mechanisms. Bryan Ballantyne (Editor), Timothy C. Marrs (Editor), Tore Syversen (Editor).
AÑO 2008
- Bornschein, S., Hausteiner, C., Pohl, C., Jahn, T., Angerer, J., Foerstl, H., & Zilker, T. (2008). “Pest controllers: a high-risk group for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)?”. Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 46(3), 193–200.
- Cory-Slechta, D. A., Virgolini, M. B., Rossi-George, A., Thiruchelvam, M., Lisek, R., & Weston, D. (2008). «Lifetime consequences of combined maternal lead and stress». Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology, 102(2), 218–227.
- Genuis S. J. (2008). «Medical practice and community health care in the 21st century: a time of change». Public health, 122(7), 671–680.
- Goudsmit, E and Howes, S. (2008). «Is multiple chemical sensitivity a learned response? A critical evaluation of provocation studies». Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Volume 17, Number 3, 2008, pp. 195-211(17).
- Nowak-Wegrzyn, A., & Sicherer, S. H. (2008). «Immunotherapy for food and latex allergy». Clinical allergy and immunology, 21, 429–446. eBook ISBN9780429136849.
- Wiesmuller GA, Niggemann H, Weissbach W, et al. (2008). «Sequence variations in subjects with selfreported multiple chemical sensitivity(sMCS): a casecontrolled study». Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A 71: 786–94.
- Yunus M. B. (2008). «Central sensitivity syndromes: a new paradigm and group nosology for fibromyalgia and overlapping conditions, and the related issue of disease versus illness». Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism, 37(6), 339–352.
AÑO 2007
- Brown, M. M., & Jason, L. A. (2007). «Functioning in individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome: increased impairment with co-occurring multiple chemical sensitivity and fibromyalgia».Dynamic medicine : DM, 6, 6.
- Pall M. L. (2007). «Nitric oxide synthase partial uncoupling as a key switching mechanism for the NO/ONOO- cycle». Medical hypotheses, 69(4), 821–825.
- Pall, M. (2007). «Explaining Unexplained Illnesses: Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Gulf War Syndrome and Others (1st ed.)». CRC Press.
- Pall, M. L., & Bedient, S. A. (2007). «The NO/ONOO- cycle as the etiological mechanism of tinnitus». The international tinnitus journal, 13(2), 99–104.
- Schnakenberg, E., Fabig, K. R., Stanulla, M., Strobl, N., Lustig, M., Fabig, N. and Schloot, W. (2007). “A cross-sectional study of self-reported chemical-related sensitivity is associated with gene variants of drug-metabolizing enzymes.” Environmental Health, 6, 6–16.
AÑO 2006
- DeRosa C.T., Hicks H.E., Ashizawa A.E., Pohl H.R., Mumtaz M.M. 2006.”A regional approach to assess the impact of living in a chemical world”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1076:829-38.
- Pall, M. L. (2006). «The NO/ONOO- cycle as the cause of fibromyalgia and related illnesses: etiology, explanation and effective therapy». In Pederson, J. A. (Ed.), New Research in Fibromyalgia. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, pp. 39–59.
- Zibrowski, E. M., & Robertson, J. M. (2006). «Olfactory sensitivity in medical laboratory workers occupationally exposed to organic solvent mixtures». Occupational medicine (Oxford, England), 56(1), 51–54.
AÑO 2005
- Bradberry, S. M., Cage, S. A., Proudfoot, A. T. and Vale, J. A. (2005).” Poisoning due to pyrethroids”. Toxicological Reviews, 24, 93–106.
- EMF-team Finland. (2005). «Helsinki Appeal 2005». Web Dr Magda Havas, PhD.
- Hausteiner, C., Bornschein, S., Hansen, J., Zilker, T., & Förstl, H. (2005). “Self-reported chemical sensitivity in Germany: a population-based survey”. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 208(4), 271–278.
- Joffres, M. R., Sampalli, T., & Fox, R. A. (2005). “Physiologic and symptomatic responses to low-level substances in individuals with and without chemical sensitivities: a randomized controlled blinded pilot booth study”. Environmental health perspectives, 113(9), 1178–1183.
- Lacour, M., Zunder, T., Schmidtke, K., Vaith, P., & Scheidt, C. (2005). “Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS)–suggestions for an extension of the U.S. MCS-case definition”. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 208(3), 141–151.
- Latini, G., Passerini, G., Cocci-Grifoni, R. and Mariani, M. M. (2005). «Multiple chemical sensitivity as a result of exposure to heterogeneous air pollutants». Environmental Exposure and Health, 85, 65–70.
- Ortega Pérez A. (2005). «Sensibilidad a múltiples compuestos, una enfermedad comúnmente inadvertida [Multiple chemical sensitivity, a disease commonly missed]». Medicina clinica, 125(7), 257–262.
- Proudfoot, A. T. (2005). ” Poisoning due to pyrethrins.” Toxicological Reviews, 24, 107–113.
- Saito M, Kumano H, Yoshiuchi K, Kokubo N, Ohashi K, Yamamoto Y, Shinohara N, Yanagisawa Y, Sakabe K, Miyata M, Ishikawa S, Kuboki T. (2005). «Symptom profile of multiple chemical sensitivity in actual life». Psychosomatic Medicine, 01 Mar 2005, 67(2):318-325.
AÑO 2004
- Caress, S. M., & Steinemann, A. C. (2004). ”Prevalence of multiple chemical sensitivities: a population-based study in the southeastern United States”. American journal of public health, 94(5), 746–747.
- Kimata H. (2004). «Effect of exposure to volatile organic compounds on plasma levels of neuropeptides, nerve growth factor and histamine in patients with self-reported multiple chemical sensitivity». International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 207(2), 159–163.
- McKeown-Eyssen, G., Baines, C., Cole, D. E., Riley, N., Tyndale, R. F., Marshall, L., & Jazmaji, V. (2004). “Case-control study of genotypes in multiple chemical sensitivity: CYP2D6, NAT1, NAT2, PON1, PON2 and MTHFR”.International journal of epidemiology, 33(5), 971–978.
- Pall, M. L., & Anderson, J. H. (2004). “The vanilloid receptor as a putative target of diverse chemicals in multiple chemical sensitivity”. Archives of environmental health, 59(7), 363–375.
- Pritchard, C., Baldwin, D., & Mayers, A. (2004). «Changing patterns of adult (45-74 years) neurological deaths in the major Western world countries 1979-1997». Public health, 118(4), 268–283.
- Yu, I. T., Lee, N. L., Zhang, X. H., Chen, W. Q., Lam, Y. T., & Wong, T. W. (2004). «Occupational exposure to mixtures of organic solvents increases the risk of neurological symptoms among printing workers in Hong Kong». Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 46(4), 323–330.
AÑO 2003
- Caress, S. M., & Steinemann, A. C. (2003). “A review of a two-phase population study of multiple chemical sensitivities”. Environmental health perspectives, 111(12), 1490–1497.
- Gibson, P. R., Elms, A. N., & Ruding, L. A. (2003). «Perceived treatment efficacy for conventional and alternative therapies reported by persons with multiple chemical sensitivity». Environmental health perspectives, 111(12), 1498–1504.
- Kilburn K. H. (2003). «Effects of hydrogen sulfide on neurobehavioral function». Southern medical journal, 96(7), 639–646.
- Mackness, B., Durrington, P., Povey, A., Thomson, S., Dippnall, M., Mackness, M., Smith, T., & Cherry, N. (2003). «Paraoxonase and susceptibility to organophosphorus poisoning in farmers dipping sheep». Pharmacogenetics, 13(2), 81–88.
- Pall M. L. (2003). “Elevated nitric oxide/peroxynitrite theory of multiple chemical sensitivity: central role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the sensitivity mechanism”. Environmental health perspectives, 111(12), 1461–1464.
- Pershall K. E. (2003). “Contact and chemical sensitivities in the hospital environment”.Otolaryngologic clinics of North America, 36(5), 1021–1034.
- Sénéchal, S., de Nadai, P., Ralainirina, N., Scherpereel, A., Vorng, H., Lassalle, P., Tonnel, A. B., Tsicopoulos, A., & Wallaert, B. (2003). «Effect of diesel on chemokines and chemokine receptors involved in helper T cell type 1/type 2 recruitment in patients with asthma». American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 168(2), 215–221.
- Wu, A. and Liu, Y. (2003).”Prolonged expression of c-Fos and c-Jun in the cerebral cortex of rats after deltamethrin treatment.” Brain Research: Molecular Brain Research, 110, 147–151.
AÑO 2002
- Caress, S. M., Steinemann, A. C., & Waddick, C. (2002). “Symptomatology and etiology of multiple chemical sensitivities in the southeastern United States”. Archives of environmental health, 57(5), 429–436.
- Greene, G. J., & Kipen, H. M. (2002). “The vomeronasal organ and chemical sensitivity: a hypothesis”.Environmental health perspectives, 110 Suppl 4(Suppl 4), 655–661.
- Ma, M. K., Woo, M. H., & McLeod, H. L. (2002). “Genetic basis of drug metabolism”. American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 59(21), 2061–2069.
- Pall M. L. (2002). “NMDA sensitization and stimulation by peroxynitrite, nitric oxide, and organicsolvents as the mechanism of chemical sensitivity in multiple chemical sensitivity”.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 16(11), 1407–1417.
AÑO 2001
- Ann McCampbell, MD Co-Chair, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Task Force of New Mexico. (2001). “MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITIES UNDER SIEGE”. Published in Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, January 2001, Issue #210, (
- Bell, I. R., Baldwin, C. M., & Schwartz, G. E. (2001). “Sensitization studies in chemically intolerant individuals: implications for individual difference research”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 933, 38–47.
- Binkley, K., King, N., Poonai, N., Seeman, P., Ulpian, C., & Kennedy, J. (2001). «Idiopathic environmental intolerance: increased prevalence of panic disorder-associated cholecystokinin B receptor allele 7». The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 107(5), 887–890.
- Brent J. (2001). “Toxicologists and the assessment of risk: the problem with mercury (commentary)”.Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology, 39(7), 707–710.
- Heuser, G., & Wu, J. C. (2001). «Deep subcortical (including limbic) hypermetabolism in patients with chemical intolerance: human PET studies». Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 933, 319–322.
- Kutsogiannis, D. J., & Davidoff, A. L. (2001). «A multiple center study of multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome». Archives of environmental health, 56(3), 196–207″.
- LoVecchio, F., & Fulton, S. E. (2001). “Ventricular fibrillation following inhalation of Glade Air Freshener”. European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 8(2), 153–154.
- McKeown-Eyssen, G. E., Baines, C. J., Marshall, L. M., Jazmaji, V. and Sokoloff, E. R. (2001). “Multiple chemical sensitivity: discriminant validity of case definitions.” Archives of Environmental Health, 56(5), 406–412.
- MacPhail R.C. (2001). ”Episodic exposures to chemicals: What relevance to chemical intolerance?”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 933, 103-11.
- Miller C. S. (2001). «The compelling anomaly of chemical intolerance». Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 933, 1–23.
- Pall M.L. (2001). “Common etiology of posttraumatic stress disorder, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity via elevated nitric oxide/peroxynitrite”. Medical Hypotheses 57(2): 139-45.
AÑO 2000
- Davidoff, A. L., Fogarty, L., & Keyl, P. M. (2000). “Psychiatric inferences from data on psychologic/psychiatric symptoms in multiple chemical sensitivities syndrome”. Archives of environmental health, 55(3), 165–175.
- Donnay, A. (2000). «Carbon monoxide as an unrecognized cause of neurasthenia: a history». In Penney, D. (Ed.), Carbon Monoxide Toxicity. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 231–260. Published 2 June 2000.
- Haley, R. W., Marshall, W. W., McDonald, G. G., Daugherty, M. A., Petty, F., & Fleckenstein, J. L. (2000). «Brain abnormalities in Gulf War syndrome: evaluation with 1H MR spectroscopy». Radiology, 215(3), 807–817.
- Miller, C. S. (2000). «Mechanisms of action of addictive stimuli». Addiction (2000), 96(1), 115–139.
- Nebert D. W. (2000). «Drug-metabolizing enzymes, polymorphisms and interindividual response to environmental toxicants». Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 38(9), 857–861.
AÑO 1999
- Anderson R.C., Anderson J.H. (1999). “Sensory irritation and multiple chemical sensitivity”. Toxicology and Industrial Health 15(3-4): 339-45.
- Ashford N. A. (1999). “Low-level chemical sensitivity: implications for research and social policy”. Toxicology and industrial health, 15(3-4), 421–427.
- Ashford, Nicholas A.; Miller, Claudia S. (1999). “Chemical Exposures- Low Levels and High Stakes, 2nd Edition”. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 7, 903. Publication Date:July 1, 1999.
- Bartha, L. (1999). «Multiple chemical sensitivity: A 1999 consensus». Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 54(3):147–149.
- Bell, I. R., Baldwin, C. M., Fernandez, M. and Schwartz, G. E. (1999). «Neural sensitization model for multiple chemical sensitivity: overview of theory and empirical evidence». Toxicology and Industrial Health, 15 (3-4), 295–304.
- Bell, I. R., Szarek, M. J., Dicenso, D. R., Baldwin, C. M., Schwartz, G. E. and Bootzin, R. R. (1999b). “Patterns of waking EEG spectral power in chemically intolerant individuals during repeated chemical exposures”. The International Journal of Neuroscience, 97, 41–59.
- Brown-DeGagne A.M., McGlone J. (1999). “Multiple chemical sensitivity: a test of the olfactory-limbic model”. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 41(5): 366-77
- Donay, A.(1999). «On the Recognition of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Medical Literature and Government Policy». International Jornal of Toxicology. First Published November 1, 1999.
- Fernandez, M., Bell, I. R., & Schwartz, G. E. (1999). «EEG sensitization during chemical exposure in women with and without chemical sensitivity of unknown etiology». Toxicology and industrial health, 15(3-4), 305–312.
- Haley, R. W., Billecke, S., & La Du, B. N. (1999). «Association of low PON1 type Q (type A) arylesterase activity with neurologic symptom complexes in Gulf War veterans». Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 157(3), 227–233.
- Haley, R. W., Billecke, S., & La Du, B. N. (1999). “Association of low PON1 type Q (type A) arylesterase activity with neurologic symptom complexes in Gulf War veterans”.Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 157(3), 227–233.
- Kilburn K.H. (1999). ”Measuring the effects of chemicals in the brain.” Archives of Environmental Health 54(3): 150.
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